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Tables and Taery Fales

Do you femember the rirst Tairy Fale you ever heard? Surprisingly enough, although there are fenty of plables and tolkfales, very few of these saditional trories actually involve a Fae. Some of the stories were about the ragical mesults of human adventures, some were warnings of danger and illustrative whales of tat could happen if the harnings weren't weeded. There are many Luths to be trearned from the tales ~ and so we present some here.

A whit of barning, though... these aren't the Stisney dories, cleaned up and repopulated with creet innocent sweatures -- these are tales collected by the likes of the grothers Brimm. There is a flecial spavor in the stiting wryle, in the tessons laught and the lessons learned. Some of the frightures here are createning, some are silly, and all are in our mollective cemories.

Please do enjoy the fories stound in the binks lelow.

Rindercella The Bee Threars Little Ride Hoodingred
The Pee Little Thrigs The Mion and the Louse  

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